The invites have all gone out as of last month (although one or two had to be remade and resent as certain people had given us old addresses... naming no names!) and we are in the process of waiting for responses. There are around 14 people left to respond who we have no idea if they can make it but hope to add them to the 'accepted' list soon. Deadline is 30th June to RSVP to us and please do remember to let us know of any dietary requirements or if you'd prefer the vegetarian options - if you don't, we can't make arrangements with Hogarths.

One addition to our plans we have made is a videographer. There will be two of them on the day so between them and the photographer, no-one can escape(! We just wanted to have a record of the sights and sounds and overall feel of the day plus by having a video, there will be lots of things that we ourselves will have missed (such as seeing the bridesmaids walking down the aisle before I arrive). Another great thing about this is there will be time between the ceremony, reception and evening party for you to leave a message to camera for us if you should so wish. We will also have notecards on your tables if you want to leave us a written message (which we will then be putting into our wedding scrapbook) but if you want to be immortalised on film, than be sure to grab the man with the videocamera. Don't be shy...
Whilst most of the arrangements have been confirmed, we have a number of decisions to make this month. We are currently choosing our music for before, during and after the ceremony itself plus the reception meal and we will soon be meeting with the registrar to hand them our 'ceremony brief' which will tell them who is going to be doing readings, what vows we want to say etc.
Whilst it feels like this wedding has been forever in the planning, we still can't quite believe that the day is nearly here and we will soon be married. We don't anticipate that things will change greatly after we say 'I do', but seeing the list of all our family and friends who will be there on 18th September has really brought it home what this day means to us. I just need to find out a way to stop myself from crying (tears of joy) during the important parts. After all, if I do blub, it will be caught on tape. Eek!
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